# data analysis process ## Definition(s) ### [[Nexus - Google Analytics Certificate Course|Google Analytics Certificate]] >[! Definition] Google's framework >There are 6 steps in Google's analysis process presented in the Google Analytics Professional Certificate courses. > >Mnemonic : APP-ASA >1. [[data analysis process - Ask|Ask]]: define the business objective or outcome by asking effective questions. >2. [[data analysis process - Prepare|Prepare]]: define timelines, obtain data permissions, data management >3. [[data analysis process - Process|Process]]: define processes and procedure on how data is collected, stored, managed, and protected. >4. [[data analysis process - Analyze|Analyze]]: perform analysis, draw conclusions, make recommendations >5. [[data analysis process - Share|Share]]: share the findings by communicating the results >6. [[data analysis process - Act|Act]]: implement changes based on findings. ## Examples/Variants ### [[Vanguard]] No formal structure identified yet at this entity. Anecdotal structure from a long standing analyst employee. DMAIC 1. Define 2. Measure 3. Analyze 4. Improve 5. Control ### [[EMC]] 1. Discovery 2. Pre-processing data 3. Model Planning 4. Model Building 5. Communicate Results 6. Operationalize. ### [[SAS]] 1. Ask 2. Prepare 3. Explore 4. Model 5. Implement 6. Act 7. Evaluate ### Project-Based Variation The project-based variation omits the _Act_ step. 1. Identify the problem 2. Designing data requirements 3. pre-processing data 4. performing data analysis 5. visualizing data ### Big Data analytics process 1. business case evaluation 2. data identification 3. data acquisition and foltering 4. data extraction 5. data validation and cleaning 6. data aggregation and representation 7. data analysis 8. data visualization 9. Utilization of analysis results ## Related [[data analysis process - Ask]] [[data analysis process - Prepare]] [[data analysis process - Process]] [[data analysis process - Analyze]] [[data analysis process - Share]] [[data analysis process - Act]] [[Data Analysis]] ## Resources [HBS: "_4 examples of Business Analytics in Action_"](https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/business-analytics-examples) [Data Science & Big Data Analytics](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119183686) Chapters can be downloaded for free by selecting the PDF option under the heading Free Access. [Big data adoption and planning considerations](https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2473128&seqNum=11&ranMID=24808) [Understanding the data analytics project life cycle](http://pingax.com/Data%20Analyst/understanding-data-analytics-project-life-cycle/) ## Flashcards Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyze, Share, Act are all parts of @@@ [[data analysis process]] <!--SR:!2024-11-11,4,272!2024-11-11,4,270-->